Prof. Dr. András Falus

“In an ear lier study* two medical universities collaborated in the examination of the ef fect of linearly polarized light (LPL) compared with the control (treated with diffuse light, DL) in vitro. The< production of interleukin-6 of mononuclear phagocyte cells (monocytes) isolated from the blood of healthy humans was measured. This cy tokine plays a key role in regulating inflammations. In contrast to the inef fective DL, the treatment by LPL in vitro significantly and selectively blocked the interleukin-6 production of monocytes.

Currently running Immunological research for the investigation of the defense mechanism of the human organism based on the measurement of the gene expression of lymphocytes using the GWAS (genome wide association study) approach

The objective of the research is to measure and demonstrate through clinical studies the changes in the gene expression pat tern of per ipheral lymphocytes from allergic children and healthy adult persons treated regularly with Sensolite beds and the Sensolite® system for therapy with polarized light in order to investigate the eventual changes in the immunological and inflammatory parameters.

First gene expression results for the full genome of lymphocytes showed a significant and reproducible reduction of the gene expression of chemokines responsible for the recruitment of inflammatory immune cells. Moreover, the increase of a leukotrene catabolysing enzyme (CYP4F2) gene expression suggests a marked anti-inflammator y ef fect, as well.**

The running research covered the genomic study of wound healing. Through the whole body surface polarized light therapy followed with placebo and double blind control contrary to the effect of diffuse light by skin samples from the healing wound more significant activations of gene networks were found that are directly connected to tissue regeneration, cell motility and immune response.

Accordingly, a considerable addition to clinical indications is feasible for a number of diseases involving chronic inflammation. The research project is carried out under the leadership of Prof. Dr. András Falus, at the designated and accredited laboratory of the Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology of the Semmelweis University.”

Prof. Dr. András Falus,
Biologist, Member of Hungarian
Academy of Sciences,
Director of the Institute of Genetics,
Cell- and Immunobiology of
the Semmelweis University,
Chairman of the Hungarian Society
for Immunology and Committee on
Immunology of the Hungarian Academy
of Science
Széchenyi awardee
Neumann János awardee
J.B. West awardee
“Scientist of the year” awardee
Lóránd Kesztyûs Memorial Plaque
* Fenyô et al, Opposite ef fect of linearly polarized light on
biosynthesis of Interleukin-6 in a human B lymphoid cell
line and peripheral human monocytes, Cell Biol. Intern, 26:
** Publication in progress

Prof. Dr. Pál Kárpáti

Sensolite polarized light therapy designed for the treatment of the whole body surface can be used for the efficacious treatment of an entire range of diseases in internal medicine. In the prevention and treatment of diseases in internal medicine the capacity of polarized light to reach the blood circulating in the capillaries and thereby all white and red blood cells therein is utilized.

The immune responsible white blood cells are activated and the capability of red blood cells to bind and carry oxygen is increased. These effects can be transmitted through the bloodstream to all cells of the vital organs of human organism that are otherwise inaccessible for light. In many cases the therapy is carried out under medical supervision and justified medication, wherever required.

Sensolite polarized light therapy verifiably intensifies the immunological processes in the case of bacterial and viral infections; along with the preventive effect it reduces the healing time after an illness already contracted  due to  the significant acceleration of recovery after illness. In treating cardiovascular diseases with polarized light the effect prevails in making the walls of the arteries more flexible and the tissues healthier by the excess oxygen carried by blood circulation across the arteries, thereby assisting in the function of heart, lungs and other vital organs. The same applies to the vascular systems of the brain and limbs too, i.e. the sclerosed or constricted vessels therein become more flexible. Consequently   the treatment with polarized light may favorably influence cerebrovascular sclerosis and vasoconstriction.

The postoperative effect of LPL treatment is twofold: it accelerates wound healing on the one hand, and improves the general condition and faith in healing of patients on the other hand. The treatment rapidly alleviates pain and restriction of movement. More intensive and painless movement improves the supply with blood of the locus of operation, and this self-amplifying process significantly accelerates healing. LPL treatment plays an important role in the healing of locomotor disorders, some skin-diseases and neuroses. This is explained by the antiphlogistic effect, on the one hand, and the stimulation of immune processes, on the other hand.

Prof. Dr. Pál Kárpáti

Candidate of Medical Science
Internist, cardiologist,
Honorary Professor
Fellow of the European Society
of Cardiology

Dr. Zsolt Knoll

In response to Már ta Fenyő’s enquir y I directed the Sensolite bed for polarized light therapy. Based on the written and oral repor ts of patients and my own research I can asser t the excellent experience with the Sensolite device in the recovery of bone fractures proven by X-raying, easing of clinical symptoms and pain in the inflamed phase of rheumatic arthritis, accelerating the process of anastasis in viral infections, mitigating the inflamed phase of psoriasis, faster cicatrizing of clinically proven persistent crural ulcers (the treatment quartered the time of healing) and halving of the healing time of tendovaginitis).”

Dr.Zsolt Knoll Ph.D.

Orthopedic surgeon

Dr. Anna Madarasi

„Application of treatment with polarized light in paediatric practice:
In the treatment of infants the safety of use is the key feature to be emphasized, including treatments as early as from newborn age. The general rule clearly applies in this case, too: the earlier the therapy is applied the better the effect.

Based on the experience gathered so far excellent results have been achieved in the patographic cases listed below.
– Dermatology: atopic dermatitis, – eczema, acne conglobata, acne vulgaris, wound healing, absorption of scars, psilosis;
– Allergology: hay fever, asthma, food allergy;
– Endocrinology: menses dysfunction, adiposity, hypothyroidism;
– General paediatrics: recurrent respiratory infections, bronchitis
– Laryngology: highmoritis
– Neurology, rehabilitation: muscle-tone dysfunction
due to anoxic condition.”

Dr. Anna Madarasi PhD,
Head surgeon, paediatrician,
Allergologist, pulmonologist
Deputy Head Surgeon of
the Szent János Hospital
of the Metropolitan Municipality and
the Unified Hospitals of North Buda
Head of the Clinic of Paediatric