Nowadays, the notion of “wellness” is very popular but very few people know the real meaning of this word. The sense of the word wellness is quite complex, implying “physical and mental well-being.” Typically, the word is associated with entertainment or just a comfortable pampering week-end. But physical and mental well-being represents a philosophy of life, encompassing body-mind harmony, a certain poise of mind, self-confidence, openness and ease with oneself. The Sensolite wellness polarized light bed was created for...
The effects of polarized light has been extensively highlightened in the scientific literature- through skin’s exposure to light, a range of “whole body” positive changes occur: mobilization of the natural defense mechanisms and enhancement of immune system activity, increased oxygenation of the tissues, alleviation of pain, healing of wounds, acceleration of cell regeneration and promotion of cell rejuvenation. During the sessions with Sensolite wellness polarized light beds, the human body receives, in a relatively short time, a huge amount...
The Sensolite wellness polarized light bed is a highly reliable device, with an efficient, load-bearing capacity. It is extremely user-friendly due to its professional design as well as its compatibility with different types of computer systems. Sensolite wellness beds are primarily targeted for commercial use, offering an ergonomic device, designed for long-term operation, requiring minimal maintenance. Target commercial customers: 1. Wellness industry (wellness hotels, spa, and relaxation rooms) 2. Beauty and cosmetic facilities (beauty-parlours, beauty farms, cosmetic studios) 3. ...
The technical design of sources of polarized light used earlier was not adequate for producing materially larger light-emitting surfaces. 22 years had passed until the conclusions of the same inventor, Márta Fenyő, drew attention to the immense possibilities of the body surface surround light therapy. Her invention made possible the production of surfaces of optional size and form emitting polarized light. In 2007 the physicist-inventor met Péter Klein, the manager of a successful company of international renown, with 15...